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Lund Stem Cell Center's Annual Retreat

SCC Annual Retreat 2024

Hotel Skånsen, Båstad, Sweden

Lund Stem Cell Center Annual Retreat 2024

Lund Stem Cell Center's Annual Retreat in 2024 will take place Monday, September 30, 2024 - Tuesday, October 01, 2024 at Hotel Skansen in Båstad, Sweden. Participation is open to members of the Lund Stem Cell Center only. 

Registration is now closed. Questions? Please contact the Retreat Coordinator: Claire [dot] McKay [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Claire[dot]McKay[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Conference Program

07:45  Depart BMC in Lund

09:15  Arrival at Hotel Skånsen, Båstad, registration and coffee

09:35  Welcome address: SCC Director and Deputy Director Johan Jakobsson & Johan Flygare

09:45  SCC Diversity, Equity & inclusivity (DEI) Committee – Sofie Mohlin & Nick Leigh

09:55  SCC Sustainability Committee – Claire McKay & Darcy Wagner

10:05  Core Facilities at Lund Stem Cell Center

10:30  Invited Speaker: Kim Jensen, Professor and Deputy Director at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW, University of Copenhagen  | "Intestine stem cells in homeostasis and repair”

11:00  Young Researcher Oral Presentations:

  • Maria Jassinskaja (Larsson Group): “Intra- and extracellular proteome dynamics during normal and malignant hematopoietic stem cell expansion”
  • Ramprasad Ramakrishnan (Järås Group): “Targeting SLC3A2 sensitizes AML cells to NK cell-mediated killing”
  • Ervin Ascic (Pereira Group): “In vivo dendritic cell reprogramming for cancer immunotherapy”

11:50  Afternoon Practicalities with Claire McKay and the organising committee members

11:55  Group Photo by the Hotel Reception (if weather allows)

12:00  Lunch

13:15  Young Researcher Data Blitz

  • Tyra Bremborg (Larsson Group): “Nanotechnology based delivery of RNA molecules for expansion and enhanced engraftment capacity of human hematopoietic stem cells”
  • Kerstin Laurin (Parmar Group): “Exploring 3d Culturing Methods For Direct Neuronal Reprogramming Of Adult Human Fibroblasts”
  • Antton Lamarca (Nilsson Group): “Genetic variants influencing blood cell formation in newborns”
  • Hanna Eriksson (Larsson Group): “CRISPR screening in primary human CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells identifies the RNA helicase DDX6 as a novel HSC regulator”
  • Juliane Tampé (Kokaia Group): “The Ips Cell-Generated Microglia As A Model To Study Gaucher Disease”
  • Fereshteh Dorazehi (Douse Group): “Interplay between DNA methylation and MORC2 in controlling repetitive genetic elements in early human brain development”
  • Julia Sjöberg (Larsson & Sigurdsson Group): “Inflammation after chemotherapy regulates hematopoietic stem cell lineage fate”

13:45   Poster Session & Team Building Information

14:00   Team Building (indoors & outdoors)

15:15   Check-in to rooms, coffee break

15:30   Poster Session 1

17:00   Free time, optional activities

18:30   Dinner

07:30   Breakfast and check-out

08:45   Workshops*

  • Workshop 1: SCC DEI workshop - Check your privileges - Discrimination and privileges in academia. Workshop leader: Eva Nilsson, Coordinator of Preventive work against discrimination, Faculty of Medicine, LU.
  • Workshop 2: SCC Sustainability workshop - Sustainability in the lab and beyond: Discover how can we contribute to a more sustainable future. Workshop leaders: Iran Augusto Silva PhD., & Daniel Twohig, PhD., My Green Lab Ambassadors, SCC Sustainability Committee.
  • Workshop 3: Why you? Tailoring your scientific narrative. Workshop leaders: Marie Jönsson, PhD., SCC Grant Manager & Alexis Luis, MPH., SCC Communications Officer.
  • Workshop 4: Work-life balance: Shifting towards work-life sustainability. Workshop leader: Christine Karlsson, PhD., Professional and organizational development, ICF-certified coach, Lund Stem Cell Center.
  • Workshop 5: Answering new research questions using ESS & MaxIV - CANCELLED
  • Workshop 6: Explore how your research can be used to benefit society through innovation. Workshop leader: Cecilia Jädert, PhD, Innovation Developer, LU Innovation and Per Mercke, PhD, Patent Advisor, LU Innovation.
  • Worskhop 7: Captivate and Conquer - make your audience understand, remember and act! Workshop leader: Kajsa Lamm, PhD., Medicine Licentiat, MedCUL, Lund University.

*Pre-assigned to 2 of the following workshops

09:40   Fika

10:00   Workshops (see above)

11:00    Poster session 2

12:00    Lunch, networking, final poster viewing

12:45    Remove Posters from Galleriet

13:00    SCC PI Talks:

  • Charlotta Böiers | “From development to malignancy: Modelling the origin of childhood leukemia”
  • Emma Hammarlund | “Origins of multicellularity – and the traces it leaves behind”
  • Johan Jakobsson | “Transposable elements and the human brain”
  • Martin L. Olsson | “Investigating how blood group molecules regulate erythropoiesis”

14:00    Lund Stem Cell Center 'Article of the Year Award' Presentations:

  • Elina Fredlund (Mohlin Group): "MOXD1 is a lineage-specific gene and a tumor suppressor in neuroblastoma", Science Advances, 2024.
  • Olga Zimmermannova (Pereira Group): "Restoring tumor immunogenicity with dendritic cell reprogramming", Science Immunology, 2023.
  • Raquel Garza (Jakobsson Group): "LINE-1 retrotransposons drive human neuronal transcriptome complexity and functional diversification", Science Advances, 2023.

14:45    'Article of the Year Award' Award ceremony

14:50    Prize Giving: Best Poster & Team Building

14:55    Retreat Closing Remarks

15:10    Prepare to leave

15:30    Bus Departure & SCC Retreat Evaluation Survey

17:00    Back in Lund

Organising Committee:

Highlights from the Lund Stem Cell Center Annual Retreat 2023