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Cell & Gene Therapy Core

Vector Core | CRISPR Facility | iPS Core

Petridish with media

Custom-Made Tools for Your Research

In January 2022, Lund Stem Cell Center (StemTherapy) and MultiPark merged the former iPSC, CRISPR and vector platforms into the new Cell and Gene Therapy Core Facility, located at BMC B10. 

Today, the Cell and Gene Therapy Core Facility, situated within the Biomedical Center at the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, serves as an open-access infrastructure offering a range of services including AAV and LV vector production, mRNA production, iPSC-reprogramming, iPSC-edits, and CRISPR experimental designs. 

The core facility welcomes members of Lund Stem Cell Center (StemTherapy) & MultiPark, as well as academic users from both national and international institutions.

News from the Core

  • New prices from January 1, 2025. 

Flyer for CRISPR symposium

  • Open Day in December 
CAGT Open Day dec 2024 v2

Course in iPSCs - handling, maintenance and understanding of human pluripotent stem cells 

Next course starts Nov 18. Registration for the full course closes Sept 13th 2024. 

New Service: Custom mRNA production. Ask us how!

Hybrid symposium: Advancing research with viral vectors and mRNA (September 4th 2024)

New Service: Quality Controlled iPS Stocks

CAGT Core service list

Contact Us:

cellandgenetherapy [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (cellandgenetherapy[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Visit Us:

Cell and Gene Therapy Core Facility
Lund University,
BMC B10, Solvegatan 19,
221 84 Lund, Sweden